About the Free Methodist Church
The North Central Conference is one of many conferences (regional collections of churches) of the Free Methodist Church - USA. The FMCUSA is one of the few denominations in America that sees continual growth, with a full-throttled belief that God desires us to bring the WHOLE gospel for the WHOLE person to the WHOLE world! Free Methodists live out their faith on nearly every continent and the movement has doubled in the past six years to over 1 million strong.
Looking for an adventure in faith where people take seriously God's call to act Justly, love Mercy and walk Humbly with God? You've discovered a group of churches who endeavor to do just that. The North Central Conference is the connection of Free Methodist Churches in the Dakotas, Minnesota, eastern Montana, Wisconsin, Iowa, northern Illinois and northern Missouri.
What We Believe
We adhere to the Statements of Belief of the Free Methodist Church USA, which you can read at the FMC website. For more detailed information, our doctrine, beliefs and statements of faith can be found in the Free Methodist Book of Discipline which can be downloaded. The Book of Discipline will also layout our governance, stance on social issues, and much more.
Our Vision
Bringing Jesus to the North Central United States through growing and planting healthy congregations advanced by boldly apostolic leaders working synergistically together.
Bringing Jesus:
Being a Biblical community of holy people multiplying disciples, leaders, groups, and congregations;
Loving God and others characterized by acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with God.
To the North Central United States:
Re-orienting churches toward their community;
Equipping congregations to understand and meet community needs;
Supporting conference ministries that restore the lives of the poor and disenfranchised.
Growing and Planting Healthy Congregations:
Planting or revitalizing 50 Spirit-filled, culturally relevant, Free Methodist churches by 2025,
Providing training and resources for congregations desiring increased health and fruitfulness.
Advanced by Boldly Apostolic Leaders:
Training and supporting apostolic leadership;
Structuring for leadership multiplication.
Working Synergistically Together:
Depending upon GOD - the real synergy happens here!
Maximizing time together;
Creating strategic virtual connections;
Our Values
We embrace wholeheartedly the vision of our denominational leaders as we increasingly become a healthy biblical community of holy people, multiplying disciples, leaders, groups and churches. The North Central Conference exists as a denominational organization to equip and support churches and leaders within its multi-state region to fulfill the Free Methodist profile of a healthy church.
A healthy church is a praying, worshiping, discipling, evangelizing, multiplying, culture-engaging, global-missions minded and purpose-driven congregation.
The Free Methodist Way
Learn more about the 5 values that shape the identity of the Free Methodist Church.